Radix Sort

Radix Sort Animation


Radix Sort Infographic



From a high level, Radix Sort works by sorting integers from the least significant digit to the most significant digit. Below are the specific steps.

  1. Determine the maximum number of digits

  2. Select digits at current place index

  3. Do Counting Sort based on selected digits

  4. Increment current place index

  5. Repeat (1) through (3)

    • stop once current place index equals maximum number of digits

Note, the reason why Counting Sort is recommended as the intermediate sorting algorithm in step(3) is because it’s fast over a small range of numbers. Keep in mind it is the base of numbers being sorted which determines the range. For example, when numbers being sorted are in base 10, that means each digit can take on only 10 possible values (0-9). Similarly, when numbers being sorted are given in base 2, each digit can be only 2 possible values (0, 1).


  • Radix Sort works well with positive integers. It can work for Floats and negative numbers too but the data needs to be preprocessed.



  • B = digits in base

  • P = max number of digit places

Time Complexity: P * (N + B)
Space Complexity: N + B


Tim Sort


Merge Sort